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UofWild’s “Semester-on-Earth” Suggested Reading

The General Book List below identifies the written and documented categories of philosophy, content, and methods, that informed the creation of the University of the Wild curriculum. The categories are:

1) Indigenous Wisdom & Teachings

2) State-of-the-Art Research and Best Practices

3) Lived Experiences of Staff, Mentors, and Students



Deschooling Society, Ivan Illich

Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Education, JohnTaylor Gatto

*EarthEd: Rethinking Education on a Changing Planet, Ed. World Watch Institute

Ecological Literacy: Educating Our Children for a Sustainable World, Ed. Michael K. Stone & Zenobia Barlow

Place-based Education, Dave Sobel

The Handbook of Sustainable Literacy: Skills for a Changing World, Ed., Arrran Stibbe

Sustainable World Resource Book: Critical Issues, Inspirong Solutions, Resources for Action, Ed. Sustainable World Coalition

Ethical Visions of Education: Philosophies in Practice, David T. Hanson

Worldviews and Ecology: Religion, Pbilosophy, and the Environment, Ed. Thonas Berry, Brian Swimme, others

Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire



The Natural Step Story: Seeding a Quiet Revolution, Robèrt, Karl-Henrik.

The Sustainable Curriculum: The Challenge for Higher Erducation, John Blewitt & Cedric Cullingford

Teaching Community: A Pedagogy for Hope, Bell Hooks

American Higher Education in Twenty-First Century: Social, Political, & Economic Challenges, Michael N. Bastedo & Philip G. Attbach

Planet U: Sustaining the World, Reinventing the University, Michael M.Gonigle & Justine Starke


Thinking Like a Mountain: Towards A Council of All Beings, John Seed & Joanna Macy

Book of Vision Quest: Personal Transformation in the Wildeness, Steven Foster & Meredith Little

The Tracker, The Vision, Awakening Spirits, Tom Brown, Jr.

The 24-Hour Experience: An Outdoor Adventure, Larry Buell

147 Practical Tips for Teaching Suystainability: Connecting the Environment, the Economy, and Society, Ed. William M Timpson, Brian Dunar, and Others


*A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, Eckhart Tolle

The Secret, Rhonda Byrne

Conscious Dreaming: A Spiritual Path for Everyday Life, Robert Moss

The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of our Inner Resources, Lynne Twist

The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself, Michael Singer

7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey

Wisdom of ther Elders, Peter Knudtson & David Suzuki Eco Psychology


Gender: Your Guide: A Gender-Friendly Primer on What to Know, What to Say, and What to Do in the New Gender Culture , Lee Airton

Urgent Message from Mother: Gather the Women, Save the World, Jean Shinoda Bolen 

left, gay, & green: a writer’s life, Allen Young


The Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda

Socrates, Buddha, Confuciuis, Jesus, Karl Jaspers

The Laws of Spirit, Dan Millman

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chopra

Wild Earth, Wild Soul : A Manual for an Ecstatic Culture, Bill Pfeiffer

Power, Healing, and Community, Malidoma Patrice Some


*Together Resilient: Building Community in the Age of Climate Disruption, M. Ludwig

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, Marshall B. Rosenberg

*Ecovillage Living: Restoring the Earth and Her People, Ed. Hildur Jackson & Karen Svensson

Communities Directory: A Guide to Intentional Community and Cooperative Living, Fellowship for Intentional Communities

Creating a Life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages & Intentional Communities, Diana Leafe Christian

The Transition Handbook: From Oil Dependency to Local Resilience, Rob Hopkins

Cohousing: A Conemporary Apporoach to Housing Ourselves, Kathryn McCamant & Charles Durrett

New Village Green: Living Light, Living Local, Living Large, Stephanie Morris


Actualized Leadership: Meeting Your Shadow & Maximizing Your Potential, William L. Sparks

Leadership in Higher Education, James M. Kowzes & Barry Z. Posser

The Art of Leading Collectively: Co-Creating a Sustainable, Socially Just Future, Petra Kunenkel


An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

*Sacred Instructions: Indigenous Wisdom for Living Spirit-based Change, Sherri Michell

Education of Little Tree, Forrest Carter

Original Instructions: Indigenous Teachings for a Sustainable Future, Ed. Melissa K. Nelson

1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus, Charles G. Mann

Manitou: The Sacred Landscape of New England’s Native Civilization, James W. Mavor, Jr. & Bryon Dix

“All the Real Indians Died Off” and 20 Other Myths About Native Amnericans, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz & Dina Gilio-Whitaker

The Mourning Road to Thanksgiving, Larry Spotted Crow Mann


Walden, Henry David Thoreau

A Green History of the World, The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilizations,. Clive Ponting


Regenerative Agriculture: Real World Permaculture for Farmers, Mark Shepard

Permaculture: Principles & Pathways Beyond Sustainability, David Holmgren

The New Organic Organic Gardner (Revised), Eliot Coleman

Edible Forest Gardens: Ecological Vision and Theory for Temperate Climate Permaculture Vol. 1&2, Dave Jacke with Eric Toensmeier

Animal Liberation, Peter Singer

The Self-Sufficiency Handbook: A Complete Guide to Greener Living, Alan & Gill Bridgewater


Reading the Forested Landscape: A Natural History of New England, Tom Wessell

Changes in the Landscape: Indians, Colonists, and the Ecology of New England, William Cronon


The Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability-Designing for Abundance, William McDonough

The Humanure Handbook: A Guide to Composting Human Manure, Joseph Jenkins


*Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder, Richard Louv

Deep Ecology for the 21st Century, George Sessions

Radical Simplicity: Small Footprints on a Finite Earth, Jim Merkel

Our Ecological Footprint: Reducing Human Impact on the Earth, Mathis Waskernagel/Williams Rees

Act Now, Apologize Later, Adam Werbach

The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the 21st Century, Grace Lee Boggs

* Highly recommended reading

New Books by Dr. Larry Buell

Other Writing by UofWild Founder, Dr. Larry Buell

University of the Wild Reader: Philosophy, Content, & Methods

Outdoor Leadership Competency: A Manual for Self-Assessment & Staff Evaluation

The 24-Hour Experience: An Outdoor Adventure Program

The Season of Ingenuity: Ethics in Experiential Education, 1986 Association for Experiential Education Proceedings, co-editors, Larry Buell & Michael Gass

Return to the Meadow: Poetry, Prose, and Images of Place

Why Do We Climb Black Rock; A Tale of Living in One Place

How Running Deer Got Her Name: An Ancient Story of Naming

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