The UW Living & Learning Community
The University of the Wild’s EcoCommunity at the campus in Petersham includes students, faculty, mentors, staff, residents of the EcoHamlet, and member households of the Wild Earth EcoVillages Network.
Based on International EcoVillage principles, the eco-community is an intentional gathering of people who strive to lead sustainable/regenerative lives in harmony with each other, other living beings, and Earth.
The campus eco-community is a central teaching component of the UofWild ‘s international Earth-based living & learning curriculum, demonstrating new approaches to community governance, ownership, currency, and ecological lifestyles as well as providing students with hands-on experience living in an intentional community.
“…to transfer the University of the Wild in Petersham to a ‘state-of-the-art’
Contributing to Earth’s Future
As humanity becomes more fearful and disempowered by the impact of environmental crises and social ills associated with how modern life