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University of the Wild
73 Glasheen Rd.
Petersham, MA 01366
“…to transfer the University of the Wild in Petersham to a ‘state-of-the-art’ eco-community is so important as we create models for sustainable living…to have colleges and universities involved in the new eco-community at Earthlands is an additional benefit as we strive to demonstrate new education models – great work!”
Dr. Dan Greenberg, Founder of Living Routes and former President, Global Ecovillage Network (GEN)
Contributing to Earth’s Future
As humanity becomes more fearful and disempowered by the impact of environmental crises and social ills associated with how modern life has evolved, the University of the Wild is poised to significantly contribute to the new earth and the “Great Turning” by:
1. Creating programs that honor all life and restore planetary ecological balance.
2. Offering cutting-edge programming that includes indigenous wisdom, scientific research, and a lifestyle that honors each individual species, nature, community, and spiritual initiatives.
3. Empowering ordinary citizens, as well as thinkers, writers, teachers, and others in positions of power and influence, to change how humanity views its position on the planet, the importance of the natural world, and humanity’s responsibility to steward the earth and use Earth’s resources wisely.
4. Building a model Eco-Campus that is green, net-zero, and carbon neutral as a teaching site that can be replicated world-wide.
5. Creating an international network of individuals and organizations dedicated to sustainable and regenerative living and learning.